She liked the product. She didn't "love it" but did like it. Wanted to know the sugar content and when I told her 9 gms. she seemed mollified. You didn't ask about them, but in addition to my purchase of the chocolate, I bought two llama keychains as well for my two grandsons. I took of the "hardware" and gave it to them. They liked them as did I.
Fortunato No. 4 Dark Chocolate 68% Mini-Squares
Jeff Shinn
Remindful things
I really enjoyed them. They were remindful of the Girl Scout Thin Mints I would give to my Grandpa each Christmas.
Fortunato Dark Chocolate Mint Patties
Michele P Wissing
4 Mango + Dark Chocolate lovers
Never would I thought the two could become a candy. After tasting my first mango/dark chocolate candy it really was "love at first bite! I chose not to share my package with anyone! They would only be mine!! And they did not exist for long. 💖💖💖
Fortunato Dark Chocolate Mangos
Best, chocolate around
Probably best to stay away from this place. The chocolate is so good. You'll be coming back everyday for more
Fortunato Dark Chocolate Mangos
Rick Klein
Excellent flavor
These were a gift. But, I go to try one. The freshness of the pecans. The caramel flavor. The perfect combination of salt. All covered in fabulously blended chocolate.
Well done Fortunato, well done!
Fortunato Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel Turtles
Rosemary Abrami
Both moral and intrinsic value
chocolate arrived safely despite abnormally high temps in AZ, rescued it soon after it arrived.
certainly worth both the cost and the wait.
my differentiation between “lot of money” and “expensive”: lot of money is just that; expensive is lot of money and inferior quality.
having read the book about the development of fortunatono4, i can say that this chocolate is neither lot of money nor expensive. for all the positive effect on the community this is NOT and lot of money and quality certainly cannot be considered anything other than superior.
thanks for coming into my life, i wish you continuing success!